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Ccac hubs The Climate and Clean Air Conference 2025 will be held from 17-25 March 2025 in Brasilia, Brazil. Agenda. 6 December, 2024. Plan ahead and don’t miss important deadlines for tuition payments, registration, and financial aid. MyCCAC Hub is designed to make managing and planning your college experiences fun and easy. Special highlight will be given to the CCAC Project MyCCAC Hub Mobile App. Actions that address climate change and air pollution at the same time achieve greater results. This article will help you access and navigate the updated MyCCAC Hub. Each hub aims to draw on the various strengths and experiences In line with the CCAC’s 2030 Strategy, the CCAC is launching a Planning Hub plus six sector-based Hubs focused on SLCP mitigation agriculture, waste, fossil fuels, household The Agriculture Hub is a voluntary network of governments and key stakeholders working together to reduce the sector's short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions from livestock, paddy rice cultivation, open burning of agricultural Details on the CCAC Hubs and new funding process, including criteria and timelines, were presented during this meeting on 23 February, 2022. Think of it as an inbox for MyCCAC Hub notificati. ccac. Pittsburgh is home to a White House Workforce Hub, anchored by Partner4Work and led by Mayor Ed Gainey's Hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), our Secretariat supports the CCAC's activities by administering the Trust Fund, managing CCAC-funded projects, organizing governance meetings and workshops, undertaking advocacy and communication work, and reporting on progress. Hubs generate a common vision on positive tipping points in the sector, facilitate exchange of Invest in CCAC Trust Fund. Background. Proposed solutions may include one or more of the following: Scale up private sector actions to reduce methane in the beef, dairy, and rice sectors, through solutions such as ‘results-based funding The CCAC played a critical role in supporting the creation of the GMP. In line with these goals, the CCAC Cooling Hub has identified possible topics and areas of action to consider when responding to this call. In February 2025, eleven countries submitted updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), showcasing a growing commitment to addressing non-CO₂ pollutants. Find upcoming events and join in. through CCAC-funded capacity building for ODA eligible countries) Activities will be implemented along with CCAC Partner Initiatives in alignment. The Climate and Clean Air Conference MyCCAC Hub. Preventing the Dumping of Inefficient Cooling The Climate and Clean Air Conference 2025 is set to take place from March 16–21, 2025, in Brasília, Brazil. Instructions: helpcenter. About. e. A total of $800,000 was spent on science-related activities in 2024. They are our emergency break in the climate crisis: curbing near-term warming and helping reduce the risk of hitting tipping points. By considering the economic impacts of air pollution and climate change The CCAC's 2023 budget is the largest since its launch in 2012, with an increase from $14 million in 2022 to just under $26 million in 2023, delivering the fast climate and clean air results at the core of our 2030 Strategy. Driving Sustainable Transport: Addressing Used Heavy-Duty Vehicles for a Greener Future . The CCAC sector Hubs are rallying points for joint vision, peer-to-peer exchange, and matchmaking, and are designed to deliver collective impact that is greater than the sum of individual actions. 15:00 - 16:00 (Berlin) Virtual Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Meeting Recording CCAC Waste Hub - Insight Meeting On 15 February, the CCAC welcomed Dr. We now work with participating countries to help develop the most efficient methane mitigation strategies to realize the goals of the Pledge. Note that, as an open-admissions college, CCAC does not require college entrance To build this region's competitiveness, CCAC must be a key element in the value proposition to prospective investors and employers—a guarantor of a constant supply of highly skilled workers. Brazil initially signed the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol in 2016 and ratified it in August 2022. The CCAC Cooling Hub organized this webinar which aimed to enhance our understanding of the issue and “The Global Methane Hub is proud to serve CCAC as a partner focusing on facilitating a global ecosystem of leaders committed to reducing methane gasses,” said Marcelo Mena, CEO of Global Methane Hub. Last published: November 4th, 2024 Published By: Vincent Connelly The CCAC Cooling Hub organized webinar on Emissions from Cooling Systems in Data Centres which aimed to enhance our understanding of the issue and the opportunities for countries to take early action to reduce current and future emissions from refrigerants and energy use. 30 March, 2022 - 31 March, 2022. Last published: November 4th, 2024 Published By: Vincent Connelly The CCAC has played a major role in advocacy for the adoption and implementation of the Amendment and continues to lead efforts to strengthen high-level support and disseminate information about reducing HFCS. Upcoming events. Supporting documents: Application Form (. Launch of CCAC Hubs. Quintin Bullock, CCAC President. CCAC. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are encouraged to engage in the Coalition’s work in the following ways: Actively participate in the CCAC Hubs, such as by sharing experiences and expertise, helping define strategic directions, and supporting collaboration and coordination with other existing efforts ; Become implementers of CCAC From a web browser, go to my. This article will provide you with information and standards for the banner picture tiles in the MyCCAC Hub. Access important information, such as Blackboard CCAC Hub meeting. Contact the Honors Program. 12:00 - 13:00 (Paris) Wastewater as a Solution for Climate Mitigation and Methane Reduction. CCAC Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Engines Hub Insight Meeting - Green Freight. Need Help With Technology? The Community College of Allegheny County is about students learning from expert faculty in a learning-centered environment. Manage your academic life from anywhere and stay up-to-date on information about campus events. Find out everything you need to know to register for a credit class at CCAC—whether you are a new student, returning adult, lifelong learner, busy professional, dual-enrollment high school student, international student or someone interested in online learning. 09:00 (Berlin) Virtual External event. The information collected on countries' needs and priorities will be used to inform how the CCAC allocates future funding for projects that reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) in line with the CCAC Funding Process. Oksana Tarasova, WMO, Dr. The CCAC is seeking the following characteristics in proposed projects: Ambition: evidence of the project’s potential to scale up short-lived climate pollutant reductions through In line with these goals, the CCAC Household Energy Hub has identified possible topics and areas of action to consider when responding to this call. The programme will built from the decade-long experience and methodology of the CCAC's National Planning process. 15 July, 2022. We promote actions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants that have quick impacts on global warming, air quality, food security and human health. CN Chinese. Need Help With Technology? Our hubs Agriculture Cooling Fossil fuels Heavy-duty vehicles Household energy National planning For its part, the CCAC will prepare, over the course of 2025, a new economic assessment, the Integrated Economic Assessment of Climate and Clean Air, to be released in 2026. 15:00 - 16:30 (Nairobi) Virtual CCAC partner the International Council on Clean Transport has shown that electric urban bus fleets will on average deliver lower total cost of ownership. 08:00 - 09:30 (New York) Virtual Training, workshop (Portuguese Only) Project Workshop - Strategies to Reduce SLCPs in the Management of Throughout the week, the CCAC Secretariat participated in panels and gave keynote remarks in multiple side events across the COP29 venue, including: An event at the Global Methane Hub Pavilion on the FFRP; An event Reflections by Martina Otto, Head of the CCAC Secretariat. Take part in a CCAC Hub . It is a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and has ratified its instruments (Kyoto Facilitate continual strengthening of action and ambition through engagement with relevant CCAC Hubs ; Building a Community of Practice on national planning to reduce methane; About the programme. Our Hubs have previously been influential in developing commitments such as the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership and helped to rally support for the Kigali Amendment. CCAC Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Engines Hub - Insight Meeting | As part of this strategy, the CCAC has created new Hubs which build off our first decade working with governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, and private sector leaders to advance action on The Climate and Clean Air Conference 2024 took place from 21 to 23 February 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya on the margins of the Sixth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly. edu If you are not signed in already, log into MyCCAC Locate the Email Icon and click on it Enter your CCAC e Community College of Allegheny County Knowledge From a web browser, go to my. It's about a full campus life that includes athletics, social organizations, honor societies, service clubs, student services, the Honors Program and more. Need Help With Technology? Our hubs Our hubs Back Our hubs Agriculture Cooling Fossil fuels Heavy-duty vehicles Household energy National planning Waste Our work Our work Back Our work Our work in over 70 countries delivers climate and clean CCAC also presented efforts to promote LRM through the Cooling Hub as well as direct technical support for ODA-eligible CCAC partner countries at the side event “Creating a supportive ecosystem for effective implementation of Lifecycle Refrigerant Management in developing countries” organised by Council on Energy, Environment and Water Logging into MyCCAC Hub This article will explain how to log into MyCCAC Hub. 10:00 - 13:30 (New York) Virtual Training, workshop. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. PART 1 : Science-Policy 13:10-13:40 Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MVR) in the waste sector Chile: MRV development experience (Gerardo Canales, ImplementaSur) The National Policy and Planning Hub supports countries in assessing their short-lived climate pollutant emissions and mitigation options in a prioritised, targeted and cost-effective manner. 21 March, 2024. Rachel has previously served as World Bank's Vice President for Sustainable Development and is Co-Chair of the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI), Advisor to Beyond Net Zero at General Atlantic and member of G20 Independent Expert Group on Multilateral CCAC Hub meeting. Our 2021 Global Methane Assessment formed the Pledge’s scientific underpinning by illustrating that there are readily available measures that can achieve its goals. 16:00 - 17:00 (Berlin) Virtual CCAC Hub meeting. Webinar: Data tools to unlock climate finance for livestock development. It's about choice - more than 150 programs that lead to great careers and great four-year colleges. 13:00-13:10 Welcome & Introduction by Co-Leads. This report clearly demonstrates that tangible and ready-to-go solutions can quickly address these challenges, including 37 actionable measures across 5 sectors Join us in the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Cooling Hub virtual meeting on 24 June 2024 from 2-3pm CEST. Related partners. We welcome CCAC Partners and all interested parties to join us for the CCAC Fossil Fuel Hub's first Full Hub meeting. CCAC is a registered charity which The CCAC Waste Hub brings together state and non-state actors to improve organic waste management and eliminate open burning to reduce methane and black carbon emissions. Log In. Toward this objective, the college is transforming its Workforce Training Division into a quality-driven, sales-oriented enterprise that will work The alerts tile is a centralized location for notifications, sent to MyCCAC Hub. 20 October, 2021. Proposed solutions may Our programme covers the nation through regional hubs. “Our organization believes From a web browser, go to my. Can’t find what you are looking for? Call CCAC Information Center 412. ES Spanish. Studies in developed country contexts have shown that replacing older diesel buses with electric buses resulted in $84,200 in total benefits per bus. edu. Science. Achieving Climate Goals Through Clean Cooking. The CCAC pursues an ambitious goal that by 2030 all State Partners have further integrated air quality and climate planning and have implemented SLCP Our hubs Agriculture Cooling Fossil fuels Heavy-duty vehicles Household energy National planning CCAC seeking specialist expertise to create compelling video materials that showcase success stories and actions addressing methane emissions across different sectors and countries. We work with top design houses and state primary schools across The CCAC, as in previous years, has a strong presence on the ground at COP29, participating in many super pollutant themed side events and working closely with partners to highlight the opportunities that exist on super The CCAC also convenes sectoral “Hubs” for each emissions source sector. Need Help With Technology? Contact the ITS ServiceDesk. Ilse Aben, SRON, and Carolina Urmeneta, Global Methane Hub, to share Logging into MyCCAC Hub This article will explain how to log into MyCCAC Hub. edu Phone: 412-237-8700 Email: help@servicedesk. The Hub supports action in the sector by: Matching The UNEP-Convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) is a partnership of over 160 governments, intergovernmental organisations, and non-governmental organisations. CCAC Cooling Hub. Explained in detail later Brazil became a CCAC partner in June 2023. . pdf) CCAC Engagement Strategy for the Waste Sector Non-governmental organisations. We work with top design houses and state primary schools across England, with a focus on serving disadvantaged communities. Last published: November 4th, 2024 Published By: Vincent Connelly CCAC Hub meeting. Upon clicking the tiles or the menu items, you may be presented with pages of information, SharePoint sites, Help Center articles, or Details on the CCAC Hubs and new funding process, including criteria and timelines, were presented during this meeting on 23 February, 2022. Our partners. Schwetje called for a shift away from landfill-based systems and emphasized the need for investment in waste diversion and $605,000 for Hub-led activities, including sector workshops, studies, and the pilot phase of the CCAC Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (CCAC-TEAP) which delivered a full report on Digital Extension Services presented at COP29. 14:00-14:20 Welcome | Introduction of Co-leads; Introduction of the Leadership Group – Dan McDougall, CCAC Secretariat. Logging into MyCCAC Hub This article will explain how to log into MyCCAC Hub. The Global Methane Forum 2024 hosted by the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), in partnership with the UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and the Global Methane Hub, convened the international methane community to share successes, lessons learned, and discuss the Global Methane Hub - COP29 Methane Action Hub GMH funds and convenes partners who work at the international, national, and local level to make sure all actors are working together toward the shared goal of curbing methane pollution in the most efficient way possible. 237. 4 December, 2024. This went towards: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 User Log In: User Name:. Join hundreds of technical experts and policymakers working to reduce short-lived climate pollutants from the Logging into MyCCAC Hub This article will explain how to log into MyCCAC Hub. Last published: November 4th, 2024 Published By: Vincent Connelly The CCAC Secretariat is officially launching a call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for ODA-eligible CCAC country partners. This article will help you access and navigate the updated MyCCAC Hub mobile App. Some world leaders criticized the attendance at this yearâ s Summit, pointing out that the leaders of the top 13 emitting countries, who collectively contributed In 2023, Rachel Kyte joined the CCAC as a High-Level Advocate for Finance. 10:30 (New York) Virtual Training, workshop. English (US) US English (US) FR French. In late May, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition held its annual meeting alongside UNEP’s Asia and the Pacific Office’s Air Quality Action Week for one massive conference, the Climate and Clean Air Conference 2023 Speaking at an event co-hosted by Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, and the Global Methane Hub, Martina Otto, Head of the CCAC Secretariat, highlighted the importance of funding methane mitigation, and working with both national and sub-national governments in a coordinated fashion to achieve meaningful emissions reductions Live from Baku, today was the second and final day of the â World Leadersâ Summitâ component of COP29, with global leaders addressing the plenary and providing their national perspectives. Our programme covers the nation through regional hubs. The event will bring together country representatives, global experts, and changemakers, united with over 180 partners, to drive She is one of the Co-Leads of the Waste Hub of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), Vice-Chair of the Working Group on Climate Change and Waste Management of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), Co-Chair of the Working Group on Organic Waste of the PREVENT Waste Alliance and an active member of the Global Methane Initiative In line with these goals, the CCAC Agriculture Hub has identified possible topics and areas of action to consider when responding to this call. In this meeting, we will present the 2024 Priorities and Workplan of the Cooling Hub, as well as share updates on the completed, ongoing and upcoming cooling projects of the CCAC. Learn More About HFCs. 25 April, 2023. CCAC Information Center 412. Methane and other super pollutants were high on the radar at COP29. doc) Guidance for Applicants (. 23 February, 2022. Driving Climate Action through Clean Cooking. Need a CCAC NetID Username or forgot your password? Go to identity. The CCAC National Project Coordinator for Paraguay will support the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES) with inter-ministerial coordination and efficient communication for engagement of relevant stakeholders on the ground to strengthen the efforts of the country to effectively mitigate SLCP emissions. Last published: November 4th, 2024 Published By: Vincent Connelly CCAC reaches out to communities via our partnerships with schools. We welcome CCAC Partners and all interested parties to join us for the CCAC Waste Hub's first Full Hub meeting. Last published: November 1st, 2024 Published By: Vincent Connelly Please fill out the contact form below for a help article you would like. What do we know (and need to know) about MyCCAC Hub. Countries and philanthropies can become donors. This year theme is â Preparing for COP30 - Call to action on Super Pollutants: SLCP mitigation is critical to avoid catastrophic overshoot of MyCCAC Hub Guide MyCCAC Hub Mobile App Guide Banner Picture Tile Standards & Guide for the MyCCAC Hub Alerts and Notifications in MyCCAC Hub. MyCCAC Hub. The selected Videographer Consultant will be responsible for CCAC Hub meeting. On 16 March, the CCAC welcomed Tomás de Oliveira Bredariol, Environmental Engineer at the International Energy Agency, Alfredo Miranda-González, Deputy Director for International Methane for Clean Air Task Force, and Marisol Estrella, Programme Manager at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to present and discuss fossil fuels tools for We strongly encourage all applicants to contact the co-leads and other members of the CCAC Hubs early in the development of their project proposals to facilitate the co-creation process and ensure alignment with CCAC goals. Need to create an account? "CCAC has a long-standing commitment to preparing the region's workforce with the skills employers need now and in the future. through CCAC hub workshops and events and developing resource materials Development of ODS and HFC banks and inventories to then be supported by MLF (i. Learn More About The Kigali Amendment. 14:20-15:00 PART 1: Science - Policy MyCCAC Hub Mobile App. edu Chat: The alerts tile is a centralized location for notifications, sent to MyCCAC Hub. By considering the economic impacts of air pollution and climate change By 2024, all CCAC cooling industry partners provide commitments on how they will support and facilitate a faster phase-down of HFCs and enhance energy efficiency in the sector. New Data to Action funding from Global Methane Hub: Global Methane Hub announced Honors at CCAC provides an academically challenging and enriching learning experience for highly motivated, academically prepared and intellectually curious students. The CCAC Trust Fund accelerates catalytic investment in super pollutant action. Need Help? Contact our ITS ServiceDesk. Our Methane Flagship will MyCCAC Hub. To support action across SLCP priority sectors, the 2023 Work Plan and Budget includes funding to support action in MyCCAC Hub From a web browser, go to my. Honors Hubs on each campus for student study and socializing; Priority registration for Honors students; Apply Today . CCAC Household Energy Hub - 1st Full Hub Meeting. It also joined the Global Methane Pledge – of which the CCAC is a core implementer – in November 2021. CCAC NDC Watch: Latest on Non-CO₂ Pollutants in National Climate Plans . This year’s theme, “Accelerating Action on Super Pollutants: The Road to COP30,” highlights the urgent need for decisive action. Upon clicking the tiles or the menu items, you may be presented with pages of information, SharePoint sites, Help Center articles, or the CCAC website. M-F 9:00AM - 2:00PM (Closed The alerts tile is a centralized location for notifications, sent to MyCCAC Hub. If you are not signed in already, log into MyCCAC Locate the Email Icon and click on it; Enter your CCAC email address; Click the Next button; Enter your password; Click the Next button; Choose the best option that relates to the situation of the computer Why climate and clean air?. If you are not signed in already, log into MyCCAC Locate the Email Icon and click on it; Enter your CCAC email address; Click the Next button; Enter your password; Click the Next button; Choose the best option that relates to the situation of the computer Our hubs Agriculture Cooling Fossil fuels Heavy-duty vehicles Household energy National planning For its part, the CCAC will prepare, over the course of 2025, a new economic assessment, the Integrated Economic Assessment of Climate and Clean Air, to be released in 2026. Community College of Allegheny County Knowledge. If you are not signed in already, log into MyCCAC Locate the Email Icon and click on it; Enter your CCAC email address; Click the Next button; Enter your password; Click the Next button; Choose the best option that relates to the situation of the computer Show Password. In 2022, the CCAC and UNEP partnered with the African Union Commission to produce the Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa. It supports countries to identify CCAC Waste Hub - Insight Meeting 15 February, 2023. We are proud to be a partner in another first for the region," said Dr. Session 3: Anja Schwetje from the UBA/CCAC Waste Hub Co-Lead addressed methane emissions in the waste sector, revealing that waste accounts for 20% of global methane emissions, primarily due to landfilling and open burning. CCAC hubs meet periodically to exchange with peers, share best practices, and learn about the latest science in key sectors. nqnot sgzvx xptxm knio qmcq chldl nfttyx vacd qsic xjay hscj skd aslqil fxmrbezn wsuap