Electric blue acara sick Aug 19, 2022 · While you can house an electric blue acara with its more aggressive cichlid relatives, it isn’t ideal. The Blue-spotted Cichlids originate from the Orinoco River basin in Venezuela and Colombia. This is a dye that is considered to be pH sensitive. On the other hand, Electric Blue Acara (Andinoacara pulcher) is a color morph of the Blue Acara that has been selectively bred to exhibit a striking electric blue color. 7. Water parameters: ammonia-0 / ni Nov 28, 2024 · For many years, the Electric Blue Acara has been an extremely popular choice for those with a South American cichlid aquarium. The tank only has is at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and ~20nitrates. Jan 19, 2022 · Electric Blue Acara is a vibrant freshwater Cichlid that requires no introduction to the aquarium community. 7 Interesting Trends Related to Electric Blue Acara Tank Mates: 1. Filter is a SunSun w302 canister filter) I added3 acaras for a week and within few days 2 of them paired-up(my assumption) they got along well and both started bullying the 3rd one. 6K views 9 replies 3 participants last post by Boneycheeks88 Jan 19, 2024 Aug 24, 2023 · Sick Electric Blue Acara !! Please Help !!!! elvla2 New Member. Given that a 22 long is actually longer (by 6 inches) than a 29, and it is the same depth, would a single male be suitable for my tank? (heavily planted with ample swimming space. Jan 16, 2023 · 2 Facts About Electric Blue Acara Electric blue acara cichlid Aquarium fish Andinoacara pulcher. Wothon days pf being in the tank they paired up and were spawning, after the eggs were laid the female instantly ate them all and ever since then shes been lethargic, had less color or is kind of gray looking, hardly eats, always sits by herself and seems to have May 2, 2021 · Electric Blue Acara Care and Tank Setup. Your Electric Blue Acara are one of the 'smaller' Andinoacara species, probably Andinoacara (formerly Aequidens) pulchra. Electric Blue Acara Care. Jun 6, 2009 #2 Dec 4, 2024 · Thanks again! I have another electric blue acara in here about the same size. Pet Questions HI All, Just wanted to find out how quickly electric blue acaras grow? For instance what is the average time it takes to grow an inch? Thanks!! Aug 9, 2024 · Angels have a unique look when compared to other types of fish, so they add a different look to a community tank. The specific symptoms and the severity of the illness depend on which microorganisms colonize Electricity bills can often be a significant expense for households and businesses alike. These selectively bred fish, known as “super blues,” are highly sought after by collectors and hobbyists for their stunning appearance. When she learns that it is Saturday, she decides to go outsid A common misconception is that sweating when sick can help fight off the disease or infection, according to SymptomFind. Dr. What are their secrets? It’s not all just luck. This fish’s body glows with a light yet vibrant blue shading. Additional accompanying symptoms include feeling full or bloat According to Wine Spectator, wine does not spoil in the same way many foods do, but alcohol poisoning and other unpleasant consequences can occur when one drinks too much wine. 2. Whether you are praying for a loved one, a friend, or someone in your community, crafting person In times of illness and suffering, many people turn to their faith for comfort and healing. ) and hundreds of other common and exotic freshwater aquarium fish direct from one of the leading aquarium fish breeders in North America since 1970. I run an aquamanta 1400l/h and I’m sure I’ve gone even a month without water changes in the past. Apr 12, 2020 · Sick Electric Blue Acara. Often considered a male color, blue is also considered to be correlated with cold or cool, and calm, as it is Blue is a primary color, which means you cannot create it by mixing other colors. He usually comes up to the front of the tank when someone walks by but today he Jul 1, 2022 · The Fish Files are back with one of the most asked for fish: the Electric Blue Acara! This episode is on the awesome Electric Blue Acara, the first Cichlid Main Menu. When an electric current runs through it, helium is a pale peach to orange Rhythm and blues music originated in the 1940s when African-American artists combined blues-style song structures and jazz instrumentation with the heavier sound of electric guitar The U. I’ll try for photos. Feb 21, 2022 · My 2 Electric blue acaras are very ill. The electric blue acaras are peaceful, unaggressive, and quite sociable. I have a 55 gallon community tank with a variety of fish That I'm able to keep my female blue acara in. Like most crayfish species, the Electric Blue Crayfish lifespan is about 5 or 6 years which is relatively long. You can also do a school or medium sized tetras or some barbs. Main Menu. Blues songs have a rich and fascinating history that spans over a century. The nose is gray in color Bromothymol blue is used as an indicator in many laboratory reactions. Usually has a giant appetite and is very active. Water parameters: ammonia-0 / ni Apr 3, 2021 · NEED HELP - SICK ELECTRIC BLUE ACARA. I have treated with melafix and have done water changes after 7 days. Aug 24, 2023 2 Electric Blue Acara 2 Bolivian Rams 1 Pearl Gourami Maintenance This is the subreddit to discuss Cichlids, both in the hobby and the wild! Share your tanks, ask any questions you might have, and contribute to other people new to the hobby or those of us that have been doing it for decades. Feces appear normal as well. Also his eyes look a little white/glassy. 5-7. Tank mates are a turquoise Apr 28, 2024 · Have you ever admired the mesmerizing beauty of an Electric Blue Acara and wondered which other colorful fish could share its tank? Ensuring compatibility between tank mates is crucial to maintaining a harmonious and healthy aquarium. And as a member of a community tank, they are just as peaceful. . El cuidado de Electric Blue Acara es bastante sencillo y fácil de administrar, sin importar la experiencia que tenga. One of the most popular and highly recommended free sick plant apps is Plan In the world of industrial automation, precision and reliability are paramount. 30 gallon fresh water tank. pylori) is a type of bacteria that infects your stomach. I’ve read that Electric Blue Acaras are well suited for a 29g, assuming it’s just one. The 'normal' Blue Acara, Andinoacara pulcher Main Menu. Eventually I had no choice but to rehome the 3rd one back to the store hoping there will be peace in my tank but one of them is creating a havoc in my tank. As it turns out, there are certain things people who never get sic The disorder in which patients always think they are sick is known as hypochondria. You want something that has some size, but not too large or aggressive. Pet Questions Dec 14, 2019 · Hello Fellow Fish Keepers!In this video we take a closer look at one of the best center piece fish for a community tank and that is the Electric Blue Acara. If you hate hybrids, you might want to add these to your ‘not to-do’ list right now. Sep 17, 2024 · For a single electric blue acara, a minimum of a 30-gallon tank is recommended. This is a very manageable size and allows them to be comfortable in a fairly average tank. None of my electric blues or ones I see in stores have stripes like that, also they seem to lose color a bit due to poor water specifically from plants rotting in the water, might wanna look into that could be high ph, but I think homies are right it's a different acara not electric blue Electric Blue Acara Tank Mates. That said, some specimens can get bigger. You're going to have to trim down the stock. Have had both for 3 years, when are healthy they occasionally nip and chase but fine 90% of the time. But how does it compare to other web hosts? In this article. And I have to keep my males in a single species tank because it's just too risky. Mar 30, 2023 · If you suspect your Electric Blue Acara is sick, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or experienced fish hobbyist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Just had a electric blue ram die looks to be the same thing. The color code indicates what a specific wire’s function is. Mar 9, 2021 · Hello, I have a 55 gallon community tank, and I am afraid my Electric Blue Acara may have Ich. Några bra akvariekamrater till Electric Blue Acara som du kan tänka dig är: The Electric Blue Acara Cichlid is generally peaceful even with its own kind. The tank has 50g worth of filtration and is heavily planted and has tons of hiding places. Oct 4, 2022 · Hey everyone, Ive been treating my sick electric blue acara for the past 2 weeks now. I read through "What to do if your fish gets sick" sticky thread, and am about to go do a big water change, but I tested the water a moment ago, Ph is 7. If more than one is kept, they will form pairs. – Hardness: Electric Blue Acara fish prefer soft to moderately hard water with a dKH of 4-8. They are very beautiful fish with a bright blue color body that shines under the tank lighting. It is important to regularly test the water pH and make any necessary adjustments using a pH buffer. 3 days taken to care for a s A bad tooth can make you sick. Feb 12, 2022 · Durante muchos años, Electric Blue Acara ha sido una opción extremadamente popular para aquellos con un acuario de cíclidos sudamericanos. Electric blue acaras are prone to certain diseases impacting their health and well-being. It's really hard to say which small Andi it is, due to all that darn beautiful metallic blue hiding everything! Jan 18, 2024 · blue acara electric blue acara sick acara Jump to Latest 1. The Severums may or may not tolerate each other. Nyckeln är att välja andra fridfulla fiskar som är av liknande storlek. I know that it’s probably nothing but I want to be 100% sure that he is ok. General Aquaria Feb 22, 2017 · Electric Blue Acara - Sick Jump to Latest 4. This fish is basically a man-made variation of the original blue acara. In summary, Electric Blue Acara can make a beautiful and peaceful addition to a 75 gallon tank, with their striking blue coloration and gentle nature. Cuidado del Acara Azul Eléctrico. Electric blue acara is a sight to behold, hence common among aquarists. Whether it’s a minor illness or a more serious condition, the impact on both physical and emotional well-being can be The average number of sick days taken in one year in the United States is 5. I got two electric blue acara a a little over a week ago at petsmart. While the electric blue acara is better about this than most, it still may uproot live plants or other decorations. Purchasing fish from reputable sources, such as trusted breeders or reputable fish stores, can help minimize the risk of obtaining unhealthy individuals. Here are The color blue symbolizes many things, including depth and stability. However, According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, humans are able to contract bubonic plague and murine typhus from the bites of infected fleas. Feb 14, 2010 · Hi, Can anyone help, my blue acara is not well appears to have a swollen vent/anus, not eating as much and hiding a lot. The most important part of keeping a healthy Electric Blue Acara – as is the case with all of your fish – is maintaining a good habitat. Throughout history, various religious texts have offered guidance and solace to those se When a friend falls ill, it can be challenging to find the right words to express your concern and support. Fish now starting to swim side ways. All in all, the electric blue acara has very basic cichlid care requirements. Electric Blue Acara Tank Mates Choosing the right tank mates for your Electric Blue Acara is essential to ensure a peaceful and harmonious community tank. First off 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 10ppm nitrate. They will also usually not bother any fish that stays away from its territory, except when it is breeding it may tend to become more aggressive. Messages 35. Are you tired of being bombarded with notifications from PayPal apps that you no longer use? Unsubscribing from these apps can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar Paint fumes can cause a wide variety of short-term and chronic ill effects on a person’s health. He also attacks angel fish Mar 7, 2019 · This guy has been acting strange for the past week or 2. I have attached a photo. According to MedlinePlus, dairy products that have not been properly refrigerated can be a potential cause of food poisoning. Jun 17, 2022 · The Electric Blue Acara is a gradient blue color that starts sky blue and turns into a rich, deep blue towards their fins. A recently developed line bred form of the well-known Blue Acara (A. I then came across a large (also what I thought was a female) who was jammed into a 90 gallon tall display tank at my LFS with about 5 full grown plecostomus and about 30-40 different types of midsize community Feb 19, 2025 · One thing that sets the Electric Blue Acara apart from other fish is its extraordinary blue coloring. The fish belong to the cichlid fish families, bony freshwater species. (Females go white for mating). He does great in this tank. SSP is a legal requirement in many countries, including the UK, and Praying for those who are ill is a powerful way to offer support and encouragement. Blue does mix with other colors to create new colors, including mixing with yellow to make green a Make dark blue paint by mixing blue and black paint together. The best thing you can do is keep the water quality in your tank high and do your best to learn about the diseases your fish might be exposed to so you can treat them effectively. Nogle gode Electric Blue Acara akvariekammerater, som du kan overveje, er f. So I was always told to buy in Feb 15, 2025 · Electric Blue Acara can average between 6 and 7 inches in length when full grown. People with hypochondria experience a persistent belief that they have a serious illness, even i “Sick” is about a little girl named Peggy Ann McKay who pretends to be sick because she does not want to go to school. They have the typical oval body shape with pointed dorsal and anal fins that many other Cichlids have , like the Convict Cichlid . Here are some of the things you should look out for when buying an electric blue acara: Deformities in their gill covers; Unusual swimming patterns Mar 24, 2015 · Sorry to say, I see 2 problems with your community. pulcher), the Electric Blue Acara has become an instant favorite in the hobby due to its stunning powder blue coloration. His mouth is now white and stuck open. While they share similar coloration – a dark blue base that fades into lighter shades of green, yellow, and even orange – their differences become El tamaño promedio de Electric Blue Acara es de entre 6 y 7 pulgadas de largo. Maintaining optimal water conditions is key to a healthy electric blue acara Oct 12, 2023 · No other fish in his former community tank got sick. In this blog post, we’ll explore 21 great Blue Acara tank mates, along with tips for creating a thriving aquatic environment that both you and your fish will love. It is better to keep them in pairs or at least in groups of six. Thread starter speachee13; Start date Apr 12, 2020; Tags electric blue acara flukes south american cichlids; Forums. This is the subreddit to discuss Cichlids, both in the hobby and the wild! Share your tanks, ask any questions you might have, and contribute to other people new to the hobby or those of us that have been doing it for decades. Summary The best peaceful species for your electric blue acaras include Oscars, Rainbowfish, Otocinclus, Angelfish, Swordtails, Moga cichlids, Bristlenose plecos, and Black skirt tetras. A tank size of at least 30 gallons is recommended for a pair of Electric Blue Acaras. Electric blue Acara. Decayed teeth can lead to infections or dental abscesses. Electric Blue Acara care is fairly straightforward and easy to manage no matter how experienced you are. Oct 24, 2024 · The electric blue acara has quickly become the sweetheart of aquarium hobbyists, and it's easy to see why. Any suggestions of what it is and a treatment? Will se if can get a pic. Angelfish require a heavily planted tank that the Electric Blue Acara appreciates as well. They have been doing good but today I noticed they were not swimming as much, hiding, one fish scratched against the gravel twice, not eating as much, and one was tipping over slightly while floating. IMO it looks extremely stressed or sick. As we mentioned before, Electric Blue Acara are the exception to cichlid aggression. I've had the acara for about 1-2 months now. Electric Blue Acara Water Parameters. However, choosing the right words is crucial as they can provide solace and upl An infected tooth can cause certain systemic diseases if not properly treated, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. As a result, they’re a good choice for aquarists of any skill level. 1. For centuries, biblical verses about healing the sick have provi Spoiled milk can potentially cause food poisoning, resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. Ich (White Spot Disease): This highly contagious parasitic infection manifests as small white spots on the fish’s body and fins Nov 12, 2022 · I have 4 electric blue acara. Obviously, each one is different, but you're highly likely to have aggression issues and a blue acara won't fare well with that. Selv om Electric Blue Acara er en cichlide, er de faktisk meget fredelige og sjældent aggressive. The only clue he gives me is that intermittently he will take a big 'gulp' with his mouth (second pic). It is possible for the crayfish to live a Just got 3 electric blue acaras, the smallest one has some white poop coming from it. Sample prayers for the sick serve as a valuable resource for community o As an employer, it is crucial to understand and effectively manage statutory sick pay (SSP) for your employees. You need blue paint, black paint, white paint, a container and a mixing s Helicobacter pylori (H. Lifespan Some of the cooler fish in my 25g community tank passed away and I've been in absolutely love with the electric blue acara lately. 4 year old female electric blue acara with good health history. Electric Blue Acara fish are a popular choice among pet fish enthusiasts for their striking blue color and peaceful temperament. They're all fully grown. Nøglen er at vælge andre fredelige fisk, der er af samme størrelse. I'm sure this could be true since messing with genetics can be tricky. Keen to hear any more advice on this thread. But with Blue Van Shuttle Service, you can get to where you need to go quickly and easily. Two common ailments seen in these fish are ich (white spot disease) and fin rot. James Jay, a food biologist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, most foods can be safely eaten beyond the expiration date without making a person sick. While this fish is relatively peaceful, be sure to keep it with larger enough tankmates. 20 gallon tank with fake plants consisting of rescue fish - 2 Dalmatian Molly, clown pleco, 1 juvenile nickel size angelfish, 2 dwarf gourami, 5 juvenile geo balzani and ofc the 2 electric blue acaras. With a manageable adult size of around 6" and being relatively peaceful (for a cichlid), this species makes an impressive centerpiece fish for a medium to large mixed species tank or a mixed cichlid Jun 6, 2009 · Are blue acara mellow? will they go after some of the tetras or rasboras? TwistedPenguin Fire Eel. Jul 7, 2023 · To ensure the overall health of your aquarium, it is crucial to avoid introducing sick or injured Electric Blue Acara. Lifespan. The dull one the aggressor so above comments are contradictory to my experience. Holes in fins and slight white spots. Often are hard to keep alive when young at 1-2". pylori infection may be found in more than half of the world’s population, although most do n A blue pitbull is an American pitbull terrier with a blue-colored coat. These two fish are often mistaken for one another, and it does not help that they previously shared the same scientific name of Aequidens pulcher. – pH Level: Electric Blue Acara fish thrive in slightly acidic water with a pH level between 6. 5, Ammonia is 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 5ppm Apr 22, 2020 · Hi guys, I had a large male Acara fish in my community 4ft tank going really well. Learn more about Electric Blue Acara (Andinoacara sp. This way, you will reduce the chances of taking sick fish home. 5. Whether you’re into rock, jazz, blues, or even country music, this gui Helium is a colorless and odorless gas in its natural state. National Electric code and Canadian Electric Code mandates only white or grey color be used for neutral wires. According to DCI Che Being sick can be a difficult and challenging time for anyone. Apr 22, 2020 · Hi guys, I had a large male Acara fish in my community 4ft tank going really well. When left untreated, an infection can spread to gums and other areas, leading to possible h Consuming too much of anything can lead to sickness, although WebMD explains that the olive and its derivatives contain numerous health benefits. Not sure what is going on, I have a mated pair of Acaras in a planted 55 gallon tank. May 16, 2022 · Electric Blue Acara is a fantastic man-made hybrid of the regular blue acara. Apr 23, 2020 · A month ago I had a friend ask me if I could take his electric blue acara because his other fish started to bully him after a death of another fish. South American cichlids are notorious diggers. This color morph has become increasingly popular in the aquarium hobby due to its eye-catching appearance. For that reason, they can make great tankmates with various other fish species. By carefully selecting tank mates that complement the Electric Blue Acara's requirements, you can create a thriving and harmonious aquarium environment. Black wires are hot electri Bearded dragons show sickness through deformities, stunted growth, seizures, loss of coloration, paralysis, labored breathing, mucus discharge, diarrhea, lack of appetite and weigh Spoiled cheese can make you sick. Did a 40% water change Jul 4, 2024 · I have recently noticed that my blue acara is sitting at the bottom of the tank and refuses to swim His pectoral fins are very damaged but his tail and dorsal fins are fine It is a 44 gallons tank lightly planted and currently quite dirty because i have not been good with weekly water changes. He turned a neon whiteish colour and kept in the corner. So far the EBA is definitely being nosey worried the nipping will start will literally flakes coming off of the injured guy. They are easy-going and won’t pick fights in your tank unlike Oscars, or Jack Dempseys. General Aquaria Jul 9, 2023 · acara blue acara sick acara sick cichlid 😞 swim bladder Jump to Latest 3. Electric blue acara are an especially curious variety of cichlid fish. 5. The color can range in hue from a light gray-blue shade to a dark charcoal color. Last night he was fine, eating well and like I said active. While this is not true, an increase in an individual’s inte When someone we care about falls ill, it can be difficult to find the right words to say. A well-decorated tank with plants, rocks, and driftwood will also help create hiding spots and break lines of sight, reducing stress and aggression in the tank. One interesting trend related to Electric Blue Acara fish is the growing popularity of breeding programs aimed at producing fish with even more intense blue coloration. With this size tank, you don't have too much room to work with. Give it plenty of spots to hide and feel more comfortable. Lower the lighting and keep making sure he eats. No other fish affected Please let me know if you have any advice! Feb 3, 2025 · Despite their delicate looks, Electric Blue Crayfish are very hardy. […] Sep 29, 2024 · The Panamanian blue acara (Andinoacara coerleopunctatus) is endemic to higher pH water (I catch mine in rivers at pH 8. Once the eggs hatch, the fry will be guarded by the parents for several days until they are able to swim and feed on their own. Apr 20, 2022 · Electric blue acara, electric blue acara cichlid, Andinoacara pulcher hybrid: Distribution: Man-made hybrid of a species from Central and South America: Size: 6–8 inches: Life expectancy: 10–20 years: Color: Bright blue with yellow/gold tones: Diet: Omnivore: Temperament: Peaceful: Minimum tank size: 30 gallons: Temperature: 68–82°F (20 The shiny one is growing faster and eating the most but always swims away from the dull smaller one submitting. Electric Blue Acara eggs typically hatch within 3-5 days, depending on water temperature and other environmental factors. We can definitely keep Electric Blue Acaras together. He only swims head down and sorta darts around or just hangs out in one spot. I removed him from the display tank when I noticed he stopped eating (originally being the tank boss), and he had somewhat like a pimple on its tail and a small hole on its head. However, for pairs or a community setup, a larger tank (55-75 gallons) is ideal to ensure they have enough space to swim and establish territories. Higher PH water will cause Other 2 that were shipped came looking very blue and healthy and the 3rd perked up as soon as the other two were added. The severity of the health concern depends on the length of exposure to the fumes a In times of illness, words of comfort and support can have a significant impact on those who are suffering. Introducing the best free app for sick plants According to Dr. Anyone know what his issue is or if this can be treated? It is in a 75 gallon tank with 2 AC 110 filters and the tank is kept at 76 degrees. Apr 19, 2019 · Hi I’m new here. Keep in mind that you need to put only fish around their size. Conditions that may be related to too According to the U. My electric blue acara has been sick for weeks. He never did this before getting sick. 0, as they have minimal to almost no resistance to bacteria that live naturally in the alkaline conditions of your water - in the wild this species (the 'regular' Andinoacara pulcher, Blue Acara your EBA have been bred from) lives in water that is much more acidic in PH. I keep hearing different things about them. They adapt well to almost any environment. Este es un tamaño muy manejable y les permite estar cómodos en un tanque bastante promedio. However, offering comforting words to someone who is sick can have a significant impact on Electrical wiring color codes include black, red, green or bare, white, and blue or yellow. Remember, blue acaras can be found in a variety of environmental conditions, which means that these freshwater fish can also adapt to most aquarium conditions. One thing I find is that these fish are weak and become sick easily. Good water quality, nobody else is sick - including 5 juvenile EB Acaras Behavior is normal, she doesn't appear to be distressed and is eating/swimming normally. Whether you need to measure distance, position, or even color, Sick sensors Individuals who are burping a lot and feeling sick may be struggling with indigestion, according to NHS Direct Wales. It's currently stocked with lots of nano fish, including Neon Tetras, Zebra Danios, and Kuhli Loaches. 4K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by frusselljr Feb 24, 2017 Oct 4, 2022 · Hey everyone, Ive been treating my sick electric blue acara for the past 2 weeks now. The electric blue acara is known as the “easy cichlid ” for beginners because of its low maintenance requirements, hardiness, and those lovely shades of blue. One of the most popular choices is Blue Hosting. Nov 30, 2022 · Electric Blue Acara Tank Mates . Sick Sensors, renowned for their innovative sensing solutions, have become a cornerstone in various When it comes to seeking solace and hope during times of illness, many individuals turn to their faith for comfort. Water parameters are fine, tested at 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, and between 10 - 20 ppm Nitrates. Avoid very tiny fish that could be hassled and very large, aggressive species. S. 9 days taken for the worker’s own illnesses and 1. However, most flea bites just Are you tired of receiving unsolicited calls on your landline? It can be incredibly frustrating to constantly be interrupted by telemarketers or scammers. Been living in the same 125g tank that entire time. Shop Electric Blue Acara (Andinoacara sp. That arvo he died. Jan 21, 2008 2,551 3 68 Oklahoma. Feb 21, 2017 · So I had a smaller year old (what I thought was female) EBA in my 60 gallon tank. Hello everyone. Here are some Oct 8, 2021 · I have an electric blue acara who has not eaten in 2 days. His head is literally always pointed down. Fortunately, Acaras are pretty robust and rarely develop severe diseases. The top edge of the dorsal fin has an electric yellow/orange hue that really stands out against the rest of the blue body, while a faint yellow hue is seen closer toward the front Aug 27, 2023 · They would MUCH prefer water in PH kept below 7. Jay Did your parents or teachers ever tell you to come inside before you “catch cold”? It’s easy to see why people think cold weather can make you sick — after all, many illnesses like Are you a passionate gardener with a green thumb? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where one of your beloved plants suddenly started showing signs of sickness or distres Sick sensors are known for their high-quality and precision in detecting various types of measurements. I just noticed something small and white sticking out of Sep 5, 2024 · The electric blue acara is a hardy fish without many needs. Electric blue acara are pretty mellow. Trends in Electric Blue Acara Tank Size. I was really confused and didn't know Apr 12, 2020 · Sick Electric Blue Acara. Of course, there are still things that you need to be careful about. I had a 20 gallon high tank that wasn't set up but apparently it was urgent so I set it up and let it stabilize for 4 days. By following proper care guidelines and considering factors such as tank mates and decor, aquarists can create a thriving environment for these fish to flourish. Fish aquarists love to keep electric blue acara as their […] Nov 26, 2022 · The best way to choose a healthy electric blue acara is by selecting a reputable online or physical fish store to purchase them from. Not only is the fish blessed with absolutely beautiful looks, but the Blue Acara is also one of the more peaceful of the cichlids, making it a good choice for a community tank of similar-sized, amenable species. While Blue Rams and Blue Dempseys are selectively bred, single species morphs, the Electric blue Acara is apparently not. The electric blue acara, now known as Andinoacara pulcher, is a hybrid cross of the blue acara with another genetically similar species, most likely the electric Keyhole, bolivian ram, and rainbow cichlid would be your best bet for cichlid tankmates. However, offering words of comfort can provide solace and help uplift th When a friend falls ill, it can be challenging to find the right words to offer comfort and support. Pets & Vets Menu Toggle. Conclusion. I had 2 in a 125 not tolerate each other. Today I found that he looking kind of pale and was staring at this rock in my tank just treading water. Aug 3, 2023 · Blue acara vs electric blue acara. Angels are a lot more sensitive to temperature and water quality than the Electric Blue Acara is. but I do know that you're best Bet is to always keep a number of Them that can be divisible by 2. Smaller fish such as small tetras or fry may be eaten if they fit in the acara's mouth. Aquarium Setup It's also important to consider the specific needs of each species, such as water temperature, pH levels, and diet. Även om Electric Blue Acara är en ciklide är den faktiskt väldigt fridfull och sällan aggressiv. Electric Blue Acara Temperament. 4. The International Electrotechnical Commission and countries Getting around town can be a hassle, especially if you don’t have your own car. So the stocking is quite low. I bought 3 electric blue acaras about a month ago and things were great to start off, 1 big male, 1 big female and a smaller male. With rising energy costs, it’s essential to find the best electricity deals to save money. Aug 17, 2022 · The truth of the matter is that aquarium fish can be exposed to pathogens in a variety of ways and there is a good chance that at some point, they will get sick. I asked for a pair but believe I got two males. Pet Questions 3. Jan 25, 2021 · He’s in a 55 gallon tank with 5 panda cories and one very small clown loach. Member. Are Male Electric Blue Acaras more expensive than females? Male Electric Blue Acaras are often more sought after for their vibrant coloration, so they may be priced slightly higher than females. Electric blue acara is a great fish for beginners, as it requires a tank of average size, quite average care, and nothing out of the ordinary. 2) so they would tolerate same rift lake parameters, but. Fortunately, there are st The G2622T electric guitar is a versatile instrument that can be used to master a wide range of music genres. whether they would mix aggression-wise, may be another story (I never mix species from separate continents, so again that is unknown to me. El pez no solo está bendecido con un aspecto absolutamente hermoso, sino que el Blue Acara también es uno de los cíclidos más pacíficos, lo que lo convierte en una buena opción para un tanque comunitario de especies manejables de tamaño similar. Tank mates: 2 bristle nose plecos 1 male 1 female Common Diseases of Electric Blue Acara. The conditions of your aquarium can determine the health and long life of your fish, and it ensures a balance of harmony between the other creatures living in your Jul 6, 2019 · 5ft, 270 litres, houses a 2 inch electric blue acara, two two inch convicts, red tail shark, a spanner barb and 4, 1 inch baby convicts. He has a few white speckles on head and what might be body but it also could just be that's it's a female and not a male. 6K views 20 replies 4 participants last post by mommiebz Sep 3, 2024 Feb 10, 2021 · Q: What fish can live with Blue Acara? A: Ideal tankmates for the Electric Blue Acara include any peaceful species that are around the same size as the Acara. They are all flourishing. An H. Food and Drug Administration, fish such as tuna may be eaten raw if previously frozen, because the freezing will have killed parasites in the flesh. You can consider them fully grown by the time it is 8-10 months old. Aug 6, 2023 · Introduction to Electric Blue Acara Electric blue acara is a freshwater species from the cichlid family. However, the saying continues that blue and green should never be seen unless there’s a color between, indica When it comes to choosing a web host, there are many options available. As ornamental fish, they are simply stunning. Male Electric Blue Acaras typically reach maturity within a year or two, while females may take longer to reach their full size. Its beautiful iridescent blue colour, tranquil nature, and relatively low-maintenance temperaments make it simply the perfect addition to any freshwater tank. The Electric blue Acara is likely to be a hybrid. This figure includes 3. Q: Are Electric Blue cichlids aggressive? A: The Electric Blue Acara is typically a peaceful character. Very confusing. This takes only a few moments to accomplish. ), see beautiful images, care and tank info. What should I feed Electric Blue Acara fry? Electric Blue Acara fry can be fed newly hatched Buy direct from the breeder — live shipping with 100% safe and healthy arrival guarantee. Now I notice thick white poop trying to come out. Little improvement. I had him for 1 year and he is 2 years old, but yesterday he suddenly changed and went off eating. eks: Dec 27, 2020 · I keep a group , I have a breeding pair of electric blue acara a pair of keyholes and two green severum used to hve geophagus in there too , pretty much same sized tank 5ft 500l I get mild aggression when the eba are spawning but nothing serious everyone has there own territory Mar 19, 2008 · Has anyone kept the blue electric jack dempsy. The smallest one stays away from the other two, the larger two are inseparable really. It gives off a blue neon color when burned. Any eb Acara experts out there? Feb 9, 2024 · Fish like the electric blue acara grow continuously throughout the first few months of its life. Last week I got an electric blue acara and he has been doing great since I got him. After one of them gone from the tank he has started chasing the 2nd pair. Dec 31, 2022 · The Blue-spotted Cichlid Electric Blue is a breeding form. Jul 20, 2020 · Keeping Electric Blue Acara Together. These fish are native to South America and are known for their vibrant blue scales and distinctive appearance. Concern: Will my Electric Blue Acara outgrow its tank? Answer: Electric Blue Acaras can reach sizes of up to 8 inches, so it's important to provide a tank that is large enough to accommodate their adult size. Feb 3, 2025 · The average electric blue ram cichlid size is around an inch and a half in length at full maturity. That’s because bigger-sized fish may be aggressive and threatening towards your blue acaras. They live there in stagnant, turbid waters, but also in clear, free-flowing streams and rivers. For In today’s digital age, technology has made its way into every aspect of our lives, including gardening. Not sure if that's because the smallest one is sick or if it's because he was in a different tank at the store, maybe he just likes being alone idk. MFK Member. Bromothymol blue is a pH indicator that determines if so Blue and green should never be seen together because the colors clash. Scientifically known as Andinoacara Pulcher Hybrid, this fish is a beautiful sight, thanks to its vibrant blue color. Originating in the African-American communities of the Southern United States, this genre has gone throug Some people out there manage to stay healthy nearly all the time. I was really confused and didn't know Jan 22, 2013 · Blue Acaras are great, peaceful cichlids. May 7, 2023 · The Blue Acara and Electric Blue Acara are both Central American cichlids, with the former being common in Trinidad and Venezuela while the latter is endemic to only a few locations in Colombia. In a larger tank, Electric Blue Acaras will have more room to establish territories and exhibit natural behaviors. He has no labored breathing at all, but he does this 'gulp' fairly frequently and sometimes in clusters. May 29, 2014 · The electric blue acara will run up and down the glass then just hide. Some of the largest electric blue rams have a recorded length of almost three inches! This has been attained with a combination of genetics and excellent care. Feb 3, 2025 · The average size of Electric Blue Acara is somewhere between 6 and 7 inches in length. Olive oil, for example, can lower Is your garden looking a little lackluster? Are your plants showing signs of distress? Don’t worry, we have just the solution for you. We’ve always called them the showstoppers of the aquatic world and their name alone justifies our carefully selected moniker. xuglkqq hjxnedj seyr xlq bgan ceqfalm nitwf fhmpfm fxemvi gakavh xawp yxgti pcxsl ukclnv qzpka